Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our Prince

I see the whole of Africa in your eyes,
The skyline of the Sahara in you smile,
And our story wrapped tightly around your frame.

Every inch of your mocha skin speaks,
Tells tales of betrayal, yet love,
Stories of failure trumped by triumph.

You are the beautiful remnants of a struggle,
A sad truth that everyone attempts to ignore,
While trying to wipe that smile off your face.

They should render nations unto you,
Instead, they give you portions of nothing,
Yet, you smile.

You are worthy of a tenth of their earnings,
Instead, they take half of yours,
Yet, you smile.

Some will continue to deny you and your beauty,
They will denounce your royalty,
Yet, you await your principality, patiently

Our prince.

By Badilisho

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