Friday, May 14, 2010

Mount Up

Where are our kings…
Where are our soldiers…
Is there anyone left with bravery…
Where are our mothers…
Where are our souls…
Are we living without?

Let’s take it back to the center,
Where it all began,
Unified, justified,
To the right and left,
Flanked by love,
Back to the center.

Where are our elders,
Who embraces wisdom,
Rather not chic, but necessary,
Tongues are needed for truth to carry,
Reach out for me,
Embrace me grand woman.

Let’s take it back to the center,
Where truth resides,
It awaits our break from slumber,
To join its many folds,
Mount up soldier, kings, mothers, elders,
And bring your tattered souls.

By Badilisho

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