Friday, May 14, 2010

Finding Hope and Motivation

For the past few months, I have spent a lot of time away from social circles, friends and family.  I have spent most of this time working on [writing] projects.  Random people and new acquaintances have asked me how the projects were going and I would provide them with an update.  Some have even checked-in on a regular basis and they provided great feedback.  At first, I had the attitude of "why are you all up in my business".  Then I put myself in check, because these people didn't have to take the time to show genuine interest in my work.  I realized that I was taking out frustrations that I had with my "inner-circle" on this new group of people.  My frustrations were displaced.  I was actually frustrated by the lack of interest and support expressed by my so-called circle of friends.  No one from my inner circle has ask how my projects are coming along and when I asked for feedback I received very little in return.  I came to the conclusion that I had to limit the access that my so-called "inner circle" had to me in order to welcome new "light" and new experiences.  Each of them are now placed back into their appropriate place in my life.  They are associates and they are incapable of providing me with the support I need at this time in my life.  I am left with the good old vice of "self-motivation" to carry me forward and new friendly supportive spirits to help dot my "I's" along the way.  After much contemplation, this is how I summarized my lessons learned:  
People purposefully withhold praise that should be rendered to other people.  Either they fear that they will be left in the dust, that you will see them as less or unequal, that they won't be able to keep up, or that you will leave them once you have discovered your blessing/treasures.  Most people make a conscious decision not to tell you how beautiful you are, they forget to tell you how smart and talented you hopes that you will stay right where you are.  My advice to every one is not to wait on someone to validate your greatness.  Spend some time thinking about the things that bring you joy.  More than likely, if those things bring you joy, those very things will bless other people and you will inherit your fortunes in life by sharing those "joys".  Your validation will be waiting for you at the finish line.  Hotep! 

"Know thy self, love thy self, give of thy self, and you will be blessed abundantly" - Badilisho

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