Saturday, April 10, 2010

Like Hay Fever

He kept tears in his eyes,
Even when he talked about the good life,
I don't think it was sadness,
Rather, disappointment,
He couldn't hide the defeat,
So he wore it around like hay fever.

His mom called him stupid,
So much his first grade teacher corrected,
"Your name is Sean not stupid".

His friends found him awkward,
They made him the "odd one out",
With a smirk, "man...later for you".

And his wife, she sealed his fate,
"You're not a man, you're a boy"...
"Go crawl back up your mother's womb".

He'd be willing to kill himself,
But that would take away the one thing he knew well,

There's a photo on the coffee table,
In which he sits under a tree,
Smiling towards the camera,
But it's more of an odd stare,
He looks like he's about to cry,
But in fact,
It's just pressure built up,
From wishing too hard,
Wishing everyone would die,
Fall off and leave him alone,
Confirm his isolation, disappointment,
It's defeat, floating in the wells of his eyes,
Like hay fever.

By Badilisho   

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