Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Petty People

Each day of our lives is lined with a lesson. Some lessons linger around until you get it. My most recent lesson has hung around for the past few weeks.  I have seen nothing but the ugliness in people, in particular...petty people. It wasn't until tonight that I figured out the lesson.

Let's start with the two-faced cunt. She smiles in your face, and talks shit behind your back. Last week I was fed up with her mess. When she spoke with her fake slanted smile...the one she has used to talk shit behind my back, I just grunted at that ho' with a curled lip.  She got the point.  

Then there is the nutty professor. I put up with her shit the entire semester until I couldn't anymore. I decided to drop her class, and since then I have been at peace. 

The lesson I have learned is to leave people with their mess. The shit that comes out your hole is still yours, no matter how much you try to smear others with it.  

I'm breathing again...

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