Saturday, January 12, 2013

They Hate Me

I hope on that day they will see my heart,
Until then they will tear me apart,
For who they think I am,
For the man that violated them,
For the questions my soul creates,
They will rip me like paper.

They no longer speak in Your voice,
They have forgotten Your essence,
They walk with anger and discontent,
And compassion is a concept of the past,
When we all come together hold me high,
Show them just how much I am You.

If you do that much for me I will stay here,
I will fight the fight and bleed greatness,
But I will not stay here if they will never see,
My heart beats for them as much as it does for me,
I would die for them and right now it means nothing,
I need You to remember my heart on that day.

By Badilisho

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