Saturday, January 12, 2013


I may piss some of you off, but this story should be told, 
It's about people who aren't human,
They walk around with the body, but no longer have the spirit,
Empty, cold, selfish and confused,
These are the new people.

They don't help each other, but they help themselves to others.
The new people will throw you under the bus for material gain,
They ask for favors and quickies and they barely know your name,
Souless, they reek of shit and something onion-like,

It's hard to sing this song, 'cause it's too true,
It's hard to sing this song in front of you,
Something tells me you ain't listening anyway.

I have to remind myself not to expect too much,
They no longer feel or care, no longer human.

They are just people.

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