Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bit by the Bug

He packed his car and headed to NYC,
He imagine sweet and big ole dreams,
He met cute boys, tall ones, and big ones too,
They called him boo and stroked his ego…ooo,
And every now and then...they would pay. 

So his dreams got tucked far away,
In the meantime was fun time,
And he realized just how hot he was,
He was the “It” boy...the shit boy,
He was the number one lay.

Soon a strong cough paid him a visit,
And a bruise that wouldn’t go away,
He lost his energy…his looks,
And no boy called to say “are you ok”,
He, the shadow of a sweet dream.

Now his mother wipes his ass,
Feeds him dinner, lunch and breakfast,
He sleeps in the daytime,
And cries at night,
Big dreams gone to the wayside.

By Badilisho

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