Saturday, February 12, 2011

As Hard As You

The tears on my cheek are as warm as the words that brought them here,
Each drop is filled with stories of loss love and failed attempts,
They represent a world full of hurt and damage,
I am crying for life.

I heard you when you said you wanted to love, be loved and leave love for others,
I heard you when you said you were giving up hope on finding comfort here,
So you left, but I still hear you wishing out loud and your words banging against steel,
I am crying for your life, the life you never received.

I can still hear you speak words of hope,
I can still see the dreams you depicted,
I can still taste the freedom that you knew existed, somewhere...
I am crying in life, for your life, and unborn joys. 

We let you down and for that, I apologize,
Make sure you look out for those of us still here,
We know not what we do, and even when we do...
We could never love as hard as you.

By Badilisho

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