Friday, October 22, 2010

15 Examples of Adult Bullying

  1. A husband or wife that is verbally, physically, emotionally or mentally abusive to their spouse
  2. A typical bill collector
  3. A driver that cuts you off for no logical reason
  4. Someone who purchases a large vehicle with the intent to intimidate other drivers
  5. A group of female friends that single out a friend because of her clothes and/or weight
  6. A group of male friends that single out a friend because of his viriginity
  7. A boss that abuses inherent authority to belittle their subordinates
  8. A rude gatekeeper (receptionist, cashier…) that speaks to you in a passive aggressive manner
  9. A person that promotes clan mentality/groupthink (politicians, KKK, fraternities, sororities, preachers)
  10. A parent that is verbally, physically, emotionally or mentally abusive to their children
  11. A teacher who tries to regain her classroom authority by picking on a child who is his/her apparent adversary
  12. Politicians that run a campaign that is based on smears
  13. A preacher who preaches hate and promotes unwarranted judgment
  14. A person who verbally or physically assaults a complete stranger
  15. An adulter/adulteress 

Bullying is an adult problem.  It starts at home and it starts with adults.  Our children are bullying each other because adults are teaching them how to be bullies.  


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