Michigan's Assistant Attorney General, Andrew Shirvell spends his free time harassing the student assembly president [Chris Armstrong] at the University of Michigan. You can review his homophobic tirades at http://chris-armstrong-watch.blogspot.com. Andrew Shirvell has spent time camping outside of the home of Mr. Armstrong. Both his writings and his activities are great examples of obsessive behavior. It is my belief that Andrew Shirvell is a conflicted closeted homosexual, and he is attacking Chris Armstrong because of Mr. Armstrong's open lifestyle.
New Birth's Pastor, Bishop Eddie Long has utilized his pulpit to ostracize homosexuals. You can view a sample of his work at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UItGijdsCf8. In 2004, Bishop Long led a march against gay marriage, and he is the most visible and vocal spiritual leader that opposes gay civil rights. It is my belief that Bishop Long is a conflicted closeted homosexual, and he has been attacking gays publicly while maintaining a secretive and active gay life.
What Shirvell and Long have in common is their inability to resolve a personal conflict without hurting others. They both have resorted to attacking those that are comfortable and open with their homosexual identity. Both men, and I use that term loosely, remind me of children on a playground bullying those who are already facing an enormous struggle to fit in.
The next time you hear or see someone applying passion to an issue that doesn't warrant a high level of energy or involvement, question their motives! Ignore the honorary titles and positions, minimize their rhetoric and ask the question "What is it to you...what is your vested interest?". If you take the time to ask yourself that question you will avoid getting caught up in their madness, and you will see the truth. Their behavior will be telling.
I am encouraging people to embrace critical thinking and avoid being lazy followers. Hotep!
I would have to agree that a person whom speaks about something over and over in a bashing manner is trying to cover up what they are doing i have been in church for many years and to date haVE SEEN AND HEARD IT ALL