Friday, September 3, 2010

Shy Boy

I am remembering my childhood today. My mom and sisters knew that when the shower started to run, so would I.  One day I was taking a shower, singing, doing what I do...when I notice an unusual sense of presence outside the bathroom door.  I stop singing for a bit.  I didn't hear anything unusual so I started back singing.  When I came out of the bathroom a family friend was sitting in the living room. I jotted to my bedroom to put clothes on, but en route to my bedroom I hear her screaming accolades my way.  I felt betrayed.  My mother knew how shy I was about singing for other people.  As I went to greet the friend, my mother had a look on her face that was a mix of shame and pride.  The friend went on and on about my voice and was in sheer wonderment as to "how such a big voice came from such a tiny body".  I thanked her for her praises and I am pretty sure I cut my eyes at my mother before heading back to my bedroom.  Her praises weren't enough. I felt more naked than I was in the shower. My mother was proud, our family friend was impressed, and I was embarrassed.


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