Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lava Man

At times your love feels like a melody,
A rare treat to my heart,
Right now it’s like lava,
Burns, rattles my peace.

I can’t call what you offer balance,
More like an unannounced storm,
I swim in the calm,
I run from the eye.

I long for the days when your spirit sings,
For the picnics under the maple tree,
For the sugar you pour in to my heart,
Bring that back, wrap me in your melody.

You’ve got me hooked on the best of you,
So I’ll wait for that again, and again,
And again, you fail me with your anger,
Burning me, stealing my peace.

By Badilisho

1 comment:

  1. Oh Desire's spectrum with its sensations
    Leaving impressions that resonate with or attempt to shatter my core vibration
    Each awakening the God growing within
    causing Love to slow Desire's spin - Franke


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