Today was laundry day. So I stuffed my duffel bag and headed two blocks down to the laundry mat. I wasn't expecting any thrills or excitement, because this chore is usually the driest of them all. I got all of my clothes loaded and decided to people watch in the doorway of the laundry mat. Later, I turned around to check on my clothes and there it was, a full moon. Dude's shorts were drooping down past his cheeks, and his cheeks were beautifully bare. I noticed a young girl who's eyes were affixed to his ass and her mother was completely clueless as to what was going on. I had to make a decision, do I continue to admire this man's ass, or do I put an end to the defiling of this young lady. I decided to take the high road. "Dude", no response. "Dude", no response. After the third "Dude", the loudest of all three, he finally looked my way. I motioned for him to pull his shorts up while giving a quick head nod and glance over to the young lady. He verbally thanked me and quickly pulled up his shorts. Damn! I hate being a decent motherfucker. I finished up my laundry and headed home. I decided to treat myself for completing both bags of laundry. I popped into the local Trini Bakery. I ordered my regular treat, sponge cake. When I cut my look from the cashier to my left, there he was, the streaker. I yelled over to him, "ah..the streaker". He must have noticed me before I noticed him because his response was rehearsed and flowed from his lips with force. "That's why I was doing laundry, I ran out of boxers". The cashier didn't know exactly what we were talking about, but she was tickled nonetheless. I said, "I didn't know if I should get your attention or let you figure it out on your own." He said, "No I am glad that you did", and in my mind I was thinking
I'm not. We both shared a force laugh and as I left the bakery I said "later moonshine" with the slickest look on my face that said "Boy I will eat you for dinner". I didn't wait to see or hear his response. I continued my course so that I would avoid doing or saying anything else.
Lesson Learned: Look out for the kiddies, perversion can wait.
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